
Allen R. McAllister

January 21, 1950 - November 2, 2022
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Egizi Funeral Home
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Betty J. Laws
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Maurice Veal
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B Savio lobo Light a candle
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Arrangements starting at $35

Allen R. McAllister was born January 21, 1950 to the late Arthur and Anna Mae McAllister in Hoake County, North Carolina. He was affectionately known to most by his middle name “Rocky”. As a small child, Rocky along with his parents moved to Camden NJ. There he and his younger siblings Barbara, James, David andContinue Reading

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Louis Aurizio left a message on November 27, 2022:
I am very sorry to hear of Al's passing. We worked out together on occasion some years ago. God bless his soul and his family.
Betty J. Laws left a message on November 23, 2022:
The transitioning of such a soldier in the army of the Lord, leaves a legacy of trusting in God for his promises, such as was in this life. God's door was open for his child and "well done" was the message. I, my mom, and sister will remember the kind words of he and his loving wife (my friend) regarding life worth living for God. As they meet in paradise our condolences and forward prayers for the family we send in love.
Laura Boyce left a message on November 23, 2022:
I worked with Al when he was at Scott Paper. What a great guy! He was funny, vivacious and full of spirit. I know his family, friends and community will miss him dearly. May the many wonderful memories he created with his loved ones live forever in their hearts and souls, providing solace and comfort during this difficult time.
Laura Boyce left a message on November 23, 2022:
I worked with Al when he was at Scott Paper. What a great guy! He was funny, vivacious and full of spirit. I know his family, friends and community will miss him dearly. May the many wonderful memories he created with his loved ones live forever in their hearts and souls, providing solace and comfort during this difficult time.
Pam McMillan left a message on November 17, 2022:
To Al’s family, I am so sorry to hear of his passing. I worked with him at Scott Paper and he was a great guy, very encouraging and had a good sense of humor.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Patricia Holley left a message on November 16, 2022:
To Ebony and family my sincerest condolences to you all may the Lord continue to comfort you as the days go by. Cherish the sweet memories. It is with a sad heart as I pin these words. To God be the glory for the wonderful thoughts, instructions and his great teachings he shared I shall never forget. I can hear him say now Pastor Holley when I was out of order. Yes he had his way of making it clear when you are wrong and then he explains to you how to do it right so God be the glory. May you and the family stay in the covering of our Lord Jesus Christ. No matter what keep trusting and believing the word of God. Sincerely Pastor Patricia Holley
Maurice Veal left a message on November 15, 2022:
My condolence to your family and you broth so much joy to my brother and myself.
B Savio lobo left a message on November 13, 2022:
May the eternal light of God shine upon him and may his soul rest in peace Amen
James W Haile Jr left a message on November 11, 2022:
To the Family, You have the deepest heartfelt condolences from my Family and myself! I have known Al since 1976 from working with him at Scott Paper Company, doing community projects, church events, Pepsi/Pizza Hut Hoop-it-Up basketball competition, pranks/jokes, mutual Family stuff and other areas which all forged a great bond of friendship, trust and admiration. Al is Captain Kirk! He said what he needed to say which could be very funny or brutally honest, but most importantly, he was always correct! He was most respected and dependable, as a very good electrical engineer and as a experienced supply chain professional! He was a great husband and father! He was a man after God's own heart and was obedient to his calling. He will be missed and never forgotten! James W. Haile Jr. and Family
Etta Rose Harrison left a message on November 11, 2022:
I am deeply saddened at the passing of my Hampton classmate. He was one of the first people I met at our evening gathering on Ogden Circle during freshmen orientation. After a discussion about my SC home, he dubbed me "Cotton". The name stuck for years. I'm glad I got to see him at our 50th reunion.
edward ciemniecki left a message on November 11, 2022:
Dear Ebony, Your father’s reach was broad and wide- positive, enlightening, and uplifting. By all accounts my interaction with him was superficial, perhaps even adversarial. He was in Pfizer procurement and I led negotiations for a major supplier to Pfizer. The lines were drawn with us on opposite teams; but I loved the guy! His natural persona was to give respect and he naturally received the same from all that interacted with him. He had a great smile, and an even better laugh. I’m so sad by this news. My heart goes out to you and your family for your loss. Ed Ciemniecki
Pat(Rossi) Forster left a message on November 11, 2022:
My sincere sympathy to Rocky’s family! I went to Wilson with him and even though many years have passed I always remember him as a really nice guy! RIP
Didier Abergel left a message on November 11, 2022:
I was extremely saddened to hear of Al’s passing. Al was an intelligent, hard working, generous and kind man that loved his family. Al always treated people with respect regardless of his position. I loved working with him, not only did I learn so much from Al he was always fun to be around, Al and I had so many laughs, often leading to tears of laughter. When he left Pfizer, we kept in touch for a while. I will never forget him. Sincerest condolences to his family. Didier Abergel (Montreal, Canada)
Didier Abergel left a message on November 11, 2022:
I was extremely saddened to hear of Al’s passing. Al was an intelligent, hard working, generous and kind man that loved his family. Al always treated people with respect regardless of his position. I loved working with him, not only did I learn so much from Al he was always fun to be around, Al and I had so many laughs, often leading to tears of laughter. When he left Pfizer, we kept in touch for a while. I will never forget him. Sincerest condolences to his family. Didier Abergel (Montreal, Canada)
Tara Nestor left a message on November 10, 2022:
I had the pleasure of working with Al who was a wonderfully talented and supportive colleague. He taught me so much and we had alot of laughs. My deepest condolences to his family who are in my thoughts at this difficult time.
Michael skillings left a message on November 10, 2022:
Great man great friend will truly miss you love all the advice you’ve given me over the years and I give God praise that i had the honor to be able to cut your hair all those years may the Lord Jesus Christ give peace to your family
Bernetta Robinson left a message on November 10, 2022:
You have my deepest condolences. I pray that the Holy Spirit comforts you at this difficult time. Bernetta Robinson Hampton Institute Class of 1972
Marguerite Ferra left a message on November 10, 2022:
Sincerest condolences to family and friends. Marguerite Ferra, WWHS, 1968
Isaiah Green left a message on November 10, 2022:
Of all the memories shared with my grandfather, his obedience to the commands of Jesus shined the brightest. Jesus said in John 13:35 "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" and my my grandfathers' love for others was remarkable. He faithfully took care of my grandmother in sickness and in health, helped raise my mother, and most importantly, provide me with the example of what it means to be a man submitted to the will of the Lord, not by what he said, but what he did. Even through all the heartbreak he experienced in his life, his unwavering faith was on display for everyone that encountered him. A funny memory that comes to mind was one night my grandfather had taken my sister and I to get something to eat. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, a man came out of nowhere and jumped onto the hood of the car, pretending that he had been hit. I don't remember if it was more comical that he had done this, or that my grandfather was not phased at him threatening to call the police! He was like superman. Nothing phased him, not even cancer. So tonight I can be at peace. Not because of any false hope or wishful thinking. But because Jesus said " In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world". The blood of Christ Jesus has cleansed my grandfather from all sin and has sealed a new covenant in which my grandfather is now a partaker of in glory! Gratitude, Grace, Love, and Peace to all family and friends for all prayers and kind words. Your Brother, Isaiah Green P.S. GO CAMDEN! (My grandparents know what I'm talking about lol)
Chester Carter left a message on November 9, 2022:
So sorry to hear about Rocky! My condolences to his family! Chester Carter Class of 1972
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Bevin Jon Donovan left a message on November 8, 2022:
Condolences to Ebony and the family of Allen, from Bevin and Colette Donovan. I would like to show some fond memories I had of Al. I first me Al, in 2009 in Pfizer, when he came to the UK to assist on a Global project. Al and I quickly became friends. My wife and I and a friend took Al to London for the day and we embarked on the red bus tour and took Al to a number of the tourist sites. We had a ball. While Al was here in the UK, I went out with him to an Asian food restaurant. I had never been there before and I said to Al, you order for me and he said are you sure and I said no problem. Half way through the meal I had to ask them to bring a jug of water to the table as the food was so hot. I couldn't finish it. Al finished his. The next day at work I asked Al, how did you sleep and he said like a baby. The hot food did him good. Al always joked with me, because I was always picking is brain and his experience on Capital procurement, he said he was going to add me to his tax return as a tax rebate. We always laughed about that. When I applied for my role in my current company in mid 2020, I said to Al, I really hope I get the job and he said to me "You will get it, you have learnt from the best". He certainly was the best. Al was a true friend and really gentleman and someone you could always count on and have a good laugh with. His faith was extremely important to him and we shared daily scripture versus. There will never be another person like Al and my heart is truly sore as I have lost a true friend. Al I know you are up there with the Lord and your wife and your family and looking down on us and smiling. You really make a big impact on so many people's lives and you have left a big whole that will never be filled. I will always make you proud Al, by following the example you set of how to treat people, your good work ethics and honesty, kindness and friendship you showed to many people. You will always be missed and loved Al. From Bevin and Colette Donovan
Tom Bailey left a message on November 8, 2022:
Al was a true gentleman and helped a number of us learn the craft of procurement. I had the opportunity to work with him in Wyeth and Pfizer through some pretty challenging capital projects. He was well respected by all that worked with him. I still use “Al McAllister” stories to help train some of the younger procurement professionals on our team. In this, his legacy will live on. May his loved ones celebrate his life with a profound appreciation of the impact he had on so many. With Sincere Condolences, Tom Bailey
Kevin Martin left a message on November 8, 2022:
I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Al. I worked with Al in Wyeth and he was a super guy. He was highly regarded and respected by his colleagues, stakeholders and suppliers he worked with, and was a fountain of knowledge, always willing to share his expertise and to help his customers. All this was done with a smile and a really good nature and humour. I travelled to China with Al in 2009 timeframe and saw at first hand the respect he had earned from the local country leadership and from the project team in helping to enable the start up of a new complex manufacturing facility in Suzhou. Al was great company to share a meal and drink with and I learned a lot working with him. Sorry I didn’t keep in touch. I extend my deepest condolences’ to Al’s family and friends on their devastating loss. He was a true gentleman and may He Rest in Eternal Peace. Kevin Martin (Pfizer Ireland)
Egizi Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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